Thursday, June 10, 2010

APNATHYROID : Coming of age in Mumbai ***(edited)

Edited :(New information added on June 12 at the end of the post )

Most of things which I have learned in life, which have stayed with me, are things that I was kind of thrown into, as opposed to educated in.

Like doing webpages.

The peak period of my working life coincided with the arrival and establishment of the Internet. Starting at one time with a software called Lynx, I was then totally enthralled by the Internet Explorer (a sentiment I do not share today). A very strong wish to learn how web pages were made, had me bothering those who knew, and I actually studied source code of pages at one time, to understand what html tags did. Those were not the days of readymade html editors with strange names and I was typing more and clicking less, till I had <> coming out of my fingernails....

It so happened that age finally caught up with me ( not that I was leading very strongly in front), and in 2002, I tested hypothyroid. The body engine had slowed down. Blood tests confirmed that, and I was on medication.

Fortunately, Google by then was part of my life, and I ended up checking out everything that the doctor explained and more, and collected a huge amount of what I thought was useful information.

It goes without saying that the html-isation and hypothyroidism in my life kind of jelled, and I came up with a Thyroid webpage called Apnathyroid. Of course blogging was not yet invented, and the painstakingly created Thyroid webpages , with cluttered animations, highlighting, blinking, screaming letters, music, songs, and numerous graphics, was a supreme example of how a web page should not be. I include a link to that old page above, for educative purposes. Never design a page like that.

I retired from regular employment in 2004, discovered blogging in 2006, and this old webpage, lay dormant , somnolent and snoring on the servers. A few days ago, I happened to visit the page, and experienced what can only be called a riotous onslaught on all the senses. All the graphics, music, and unnecessary animations were still intact.

I then decided to recreate the page, more in keeping with my thinking, as a newly minted senior citizen - a bit quiet, sedate, without screaming colors and banners.

And so I now announce APNATHYROID , a blog I have created with the same information, and which I plan to update. APNA THYROID in my language means Our Thyroid.

I would like to add that it is a blog where one has avoided medicalese, unless it is simply explained. I am highly suspicious of those who spout jargon, and do not follow much of it myself.

Comments, brickbats, stones, veggies would be greatly appreciated.

Shoe throwing currently seems to be out of favour. I am relieved. Besides it is never in my size....

Edited to add :
My other interest is Aortic Aneurysms of the Abdominal type. It started when my late father was diagnosed in his eighties. Then I found out that people over 50 can also get it. So I started looking and learning.

I did a website on this too. If you can tolerate bright colors, Beatles songs, Abba songs, in the background, and animations, please see here.


  1. I visited your web site, APNA THYROID, and think it is excellent. I wish I had your talent (Of which you have many).

    I was diagnosed borderline Thyroid a year ago and have been taking Synthroid to pep me up. I can't see much difference. I just ran out of my non-refillable prescription and am waiting to see if my doctor wants me to continue on it.

  2. Totally sgree with what uve said about needing to merge medical theories with our traditional wisdom and diet.

    I am sharing this blog with relatives and friends who have this condition - there are many !

  3. There are many with this problem. Useful site.

  4. Wow!!! Your enthusiasm is amazing...!!! What are readymade html editors?? I am so impressed!! I remember singing with joy when I learn to hyperlink and type comments in bold and italics :)

    Let me check your site... I wish you had saved a copy of 'what a site should not be like' too :)

  5. Where is the link to Apna Thyroid?

  6. IHM The link to the original Apnathyroid is :

    It will start playing the song "Let it be" when it appears ! :-) It is on one of our older servers in IIT. Might take some time to load if you are checking from outisde IIT.

  7. So true for me too ...the very first line of the post!
    Your enthusiasm is very inspiring Suranga!!

    @IHM: if you havent found the link yet on APNATHYROID in the line 'And so I now announce APNATHYROID'

  8. Darlene Thank you ! Since you were borderline thyroid, which is often the case in folks your age, may be , with the meds your stuff could have cleared, but I guess they will have you do a test to confirm that you show good blood values, WITHOUT meds. Good luck, and do say hi to your daughter in Livermore ! :-)

    Arundhati Thank you....

    Radha Thank you..

  9. hehe.. i think i got confused with what IHM was looking for :)

  10. A friend at work was just diagnosed, and I'll be sharing your page with her.


  11. I came by to tell you that the header you designed for Sylvia is stunning

  12. You are such an inspiration. All the very best for the new blog too !

  13. The new header is so creative!!!! Love it!!

  14. Clicked, visited, signed your guest book!! Admirable and creative Suranga!! I am so amazed!!

  15. Pearl Thank you

    Diane Thank you

    Kavi Thank you.

    IHM Thank you for visiting all the sites and leaving comments on the guest book.
